Cryosurgery Range, Anatomically designed orthopaedic foot orthoses,A simple, safe and cost eff ective digital tourniquet solution.

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Cryosurgery Range

Cryoderm® is the ONLY portable cryosurgery unit on the market off ering our Cryofunnel® System. This unique device allows precise delivery of the liquid cryogen directly onto the area of treatment. Our cryosurgery range also off ers a cost eff ective alternative to liquid nitrogen and nitrous oxide devices and is suitable for most primary care, veterinary and podiatry setting.

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Anatomically designed orthopaedic foot orthoses™

Ortho-pods® are designed with a deep heel cup to cradle the foot, an arch engineered to provide support whilst avoiding arch irritation, 3 comfort and support levels and a large range of sizes and accessories to cater for most foot types.
Whether your feet over pronate, over supinate or simply require some neutral support, comfort or shock absorption Ortho-pods® will control function, correct posture and provide support and relief for your foot and lower limb pain.

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A simple, safe and cost eff ective digital tourniquet solution.

Toe-niquets™ are Single Use disposable ‘elastic-ring’ tourniquet devices designed to stop blood fl ow in digits of the hands and feet (fi ngers and toes) for use during surgery, trauma or fi rst aid. Toeniquets™ are easily applied by rolling over the tip of any digit.

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